Need a business valuation for tax purposes? Get a valuation within 48 hours from Plimsoll for £399
Need a business valuation for HMRC & tax purpose?
Avoid costly HMRC disputes by being able to present an independent valuation report on your business.
Plimsoll has valued thousands of businesses over four decades for the purpose of tax settlement disputes. As the only independent business valuation experts in the world, we provide HMRC-ready reports within 72 hours.
Discreet and confidential, Plimsoll can show you how much your business is REALLY worth.
Trusted by many
Why choose us?
Of Experience
Valuation Service
Package Options
399 + VAT
Our standard Business Valuation service handcrafted by a member of our team.
72-hour turnaround
Confidentially prepared
Step by step valuation calculation
Benchmarked against your industry
Full financial 'health check'
Individual share valuation
499 + VAT
Looking to get your business valued sooner rather than later? This package is for you.
24-hour turnaround
Shorter wait time
Created using private accounts
Industry rankings
Personalised list of buyers
Personalised list of acquisition factors
Who we've worked with
Plimsoll's previous clients
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